The future of hydrogen is bright in the Midwest.

The hydrogen roadmap released by the Renewable Hydrogen Fuel Cell Collaborative and Stark Area Regional Transit Authority lays out a plan of action to deploy 135,000 fuel cell electric vehicles, build 250 hydrogen stations and create 65,000 new jobs over next 15 years.

Midwest States Alternative Fuel Corridor

The Stark Area Transit Agency (SARTA)—in partnership with Love’s Travel Stops (Love’s) / Trillium, the Ohio Turnpike, Clean Fuels Ohio, Clean Fuels Michigan, CALSTART, Cleveland State University, the Ohio Fuel Cell Coalition, and Grant Managers—seeks funding to develop the rural-focused Midwest States Alternative Fuel Transportation Corridor Action Plan. When complete, this innovative, public-private plan will guide Ohio and Michigan border regions in the creation of a series of alternative refueling transportation corridors capable of supporting local, regional, and interregional travel by electric vehicles (EV), fuel cell electric vehicles, automobiles powered by compressed natural gas (CNG), propane, and biodiesel, and medium- and heavy-duty trucks and buses.


Better Utilizing Investment for Leveraging Development - BUILD

Hydrogen is a central pillar of the energy transformation required to decrease CO2 emissions and limit global warming to two degrees Celsius.

McKinsey & Company on behalf of the Hydrogen Council

Toyota is committed to fuel cell electric technology as a powertrain for the future because it's a clean, scalable platform that can meet a broad range of mobility needs with zero emissions.

Bob Carter, Executive VP for Automotive Operations at Toyota

"Fuel cells have the greatest long-term potential to solve society's environmental and energy concerns."

Steve Center, Vice President, Connected and Environmental Business Development Office, American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

“Along with enabling us to cut our fuel costs by as much as fifty percent in the years ahead, this project will drive investment, research, business development and job creation in Stark County and across our state.”

Kirt Conrad, Executive Director/CEO, Stark Area Regional Transit Authority
Stark Area Regional Transit Authority

As much as 20 percent of all electric vehicles worldwide will be powered by fuel cells by 2030.

Bosch Press Release